Miss Madison Monday

Little Miss up there is 9 months old and adorable. Prettiest blue eyes and as sweet as can be. Why do I feel guilty that my children aren't my best shot for today? Maybe it's cuz I know I have Vienne's party pics to post and our trip pics to post.
Another fun filled weekend gone by. We recouped from our trip on Friday, had a very hot visit to the zoo on Saturday (remind me to stay away from the zoo until the fall), and we got to play with friends on Sunday. Natalya has horse camp this week. Her first camp ever. I thought she couldn't be more excited with just lessons but the girl can't stop talking about camp. Vienne will be so bored without her. Three hours away from her a day will be tough on the little one.
Reader Comments (22)
I hope horse camp is wonderful for her!
I love that second shot. What a wonderful and dramatic stare she has. What a darling. :)
She is a doll, and you did great with the shoot! That b&w is too cute for words.
Yes. Her eyes are amazing. I love that she had a bow change :)
Beautiful shots!
I can't decide which one I like the best. They are all so gorgeous. Can't wait to see photos from the birthday bash!
You've done a beautiful job capturing images of a beautiful baby! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new logo!!!!
that little pursed mouth is adorable. love the sparkly eyes in the b&w. looks like business is going well -- congrats!
Love her eyes in that last shot :)
How cute is she?! And what GORGEOUS eyes she has -- WOW!
She is absolutely adorable. Great pics!
What a cutie!!! I love that middle one!
I just love the sparkle in the eyes of that last one. Beautiful!
she is! gorgeous photos!
Great shots of that little cutie...she is just adorable! I bet Natalya is having a blast this week at horse camp. :)
you have been awarded!!! check it out
Waiting and waiting for pics from the vacation. Where are they? These pics are precious too but still want more from the Bahamas! I'm going to pretend your vacation was mine since I don't get one until November!!!
I love all of them! But the last shot is my favorite. What a cool angle you got!
This is very odd. I am losing the end of your frame off my screen!...weird...Madison is such as sweetie. Full of character.
Good luck with N's camp! Wonderful new adventures life is opening up for them......
Oh I could just scoop her up and run away. Beautiful baby girl. And beautiful portraits.
pretty pretty sweetness! loved the one of new baby boden on angelia's blog too.
How adorable!
Oh what a little lovely! I esp. likethe last one, you have such creativity to your composition!
Oh she is so cute! Anna :)