
10 reasons why you should vote:
- Because we care about our children's future.
- If you don't, someone else will. They will get to make the decisions, you won't.
- Every vote counts. Your vote may be the deciding vote.
- It establishes you as a solid, decision making part of your community.
- Our right to vote was established long ago. Some countries are just acquiring that right. It is what makes us American.
- To be apart of American history.
- Because our past generations did not have as many opportunities in this Democratic process as we do now. We owe it to them.
- Because you want others to know what you stand for.
- Because we can.
- Hmm. Could only come up with nine. Thought I was on a roll. What can you add? Why should we vote?
Reader Comments (8)
Good for you!!!
I need to get my ballot in by mail!
Unfortunately I'm going to have to stand in line on election day. We even got applications for absentee ballots in the mail but just didn't get it done with enough time. I think your list is pretty darn thorough! You could add - if you don't vote, you can't complain about who is elected. ;)
I will be voting and I feel it is your duty as a citizen to vote.
How about because we need to set a good example for our girls (kids!) - Emma is VERY curious about what it all means - who gets to be the president, how it all works. Last time we went to vote, I had both girls squeezed into the voting booth with me so they could see what was happening.
It is just a great learning experience and teaching moment for us as parents.
Love the pictorial. I'm posting it on twitter--and thanks for the message, too!
my fanny will be in the box... voting proudly!
a fav... that donkey... good gosh... i LOVE that!
In Australia it is compulsory to vote. Can't understand why anyone wouldn't!!!! Oh except for that time I forgot what time the booths closed :-(