The Party's Over

It's back to school! Not that I won't miss my girls but I will love them more when we I see them at the end of the school day. N and V both go back tomorrow. Natalya is excited, she loves school that much. V, well we'll see what happens. She may have a hard time going back since it was such a long break. I can definitely say that I am looking forward to some me time. On their last day of freedom, we went to the park. It was a balmy winter day at about 70 degrees.
In true Natalya fashion. She's turning 7 soon, which we can't believe. I had her dress up so that I could take her picture for her party invitation. Daddy and I can't believe how old she looks. More on that later.

Reader Comments (14)
I found you..............
Happy New Year!
such fun portraits. love the new digs. isn't squarespace awesome?
I love the last shot! How fun are your girls?!
Great pictures all of them, and yay for some "me time"! She does look like she is getting, seven. I bet they just flew by. I know Kailan with turning 4, it just seems like the years have gone by far too fast.
Oh, and thanks on the serger tip, too. It actually was in the video and I was so happy to see I didn't have to rethread each time!
Holy cow, she does look so grown up! But sitll a little kid at heart with that goofy face. :o) She has such gorgeous eyes. I love the thrid photo, the vetical bars are an unexpected but fun element!
I guess we're both starting the new year w/ new addresses! Congrats on the move! And I am totally envious of the 70 degree days you have. Although we did get into the 60s yesterday...Didn't last long.
Love that goofy photo of Natalya!
Gorgeous shots. And what a lovely "winter" day.
Do I love me some "me" time, too! I hope you had (have) a peaceful day and get all rested and re-energized up for those adorable girls!
I love that Natalya is wearing two watches. How cute is that! I guess that's good in case she forgets which arm to look at.
N. looks like a teenager in that picture, yikes!! I love your new blog spot, I love how big the pictures are, sometimes in blogger, it's hard to see in group of always have the coolest stuff, I wanna be you....
Hurray for Orsinger! Gotta love that park. Makes me sad to think that a few years ago we lived literally 2 minutes away.
How was yoga?
Gosh what gorgeous pictures! Now it warms up, after we left the state!
Back to school - the GID's favorite song - "It's the most wonderful time of the year!"
I left you something at my blog!
That second picture of V on her own is hilarious! What a fantastic face she has. And Natalya's tongue!! Gotta love it. I think I can see those new teeth peeping through there...