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You're the Winner!

And the crowd goes wild as I race forward hanky in hand to receive my well earned trophy.  Well it wasn't really so glamorous but I did still feel very honored to have won my prize from the lovely Phyllis.  She is celebrating Tu B' Shevat.  And I know you're wondering what that is so go see.  It really is fabulous. 

So I really do try hard to be as green as I possibly can.  I know I can still do a lot.  But my prize has really brought to my mind something that I had never thought about.  Books.  We love the bookstore.  We love going in, we love looking around, we love the smell (umm, I could use a latte right about now), we love the train table, we love leaving with a new book.  But did you know that those books come from trees?  Hard to believe, I know.  Well, Phyllis and Eco-Libris are doing their part to remind us that about 20 millions trees are being cut down every year to produce the books being sold in the US alone.  Trees are a valuable resource.  With the money donated to Eco-Libris trees are planted to help replace the trees that were used to make your books.  And since I was the lucky winner, they will plant 10 (TEN!) trees for me.  "Cool!", I say.  "Donate money?", you say?  $5 plants 5 trees.  That's a plethora (thank goodness for spell check) of books.  "Well, I've already donated to something." , you say?  You can still help.  Book swap with someone when you have finished your great book.  Go to the library.  Read the wonderful book and then bring it back.  Cool, you get another one!  Shop and sell to the used book stores.  The selections may not be as full, but you never know.  Take your kids out to enjoy the wonders of nature.  When they love it, they will treasure it.  What will you do?

 (Phyllis has another giveaway going on right now for a very spiffy reusable grocery bag.  Wouldn't it be cool if I won twice?!  I wish I could visit my newly planted trees.  I could give them some love, sit with them, read 'em a book.)

References (2)

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    Top music book stores los angeles tips may take a small bit of effort to track down.
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    the HipMomma's journal - Hip Momma's Journal - You're the Winner!

Reader Comments (5)

How very very neat! I love the tree planting in your honor! Mendy

January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMendy A

congrats again;-) thanks for the great post and linkylove!!!!

January 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterphyllis

Congratulations on winning! Yes, I hadn't thought much of the impact of books on our environment either.

January 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

Congratulations! Pleased to say I have done all these book related eco friendly things at one time or another.

January 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

I don't have your email, but you won my blog giveaway too. I left a comment earlier but havn't heard from you - if you get a minute email me - I need to get some specific measurements from you :).

January 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

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