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Wrapping it Up

Random photos from the last few days.

Our tree in all it's glory. We didn't put any gifts under it until Christmas Eve. I loved the way it looked for just that one night. We are fortunate.

Natalya's note to Santa.

Toys that were hits this year: The horse barns and all things that neighed, lava lamps, Natalya's digital camera and Vienne's harp (both were the one things they wanted from Santa), Vienne's cheerleader dress up outfit, and Natalya's talking parrot. Somehow I ended up with two vacuums this year. What is everyone trying to tell me?

And a random tidbit from V. She's been talking about Disney World and the It's a Small World ride, which she loved. But instead of Small World she's calling it "Tiny Town". Don't know how that came about but I hope no one corrects her.

Reader Comments (10)

Looks like your Christmas was as magical as ours. Especially so with all 3 little Indians REALLY gettin' into it.

We are truly fortunate and blessed.

Happy New Year...it'll be an exciting one since you'll soon be in your new home!
December 26, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Honorary Indian
What a wonderful Christmas! Christmas time always has a way of making us realize how blessed we are.

I love tiny town! Good new name for it!
December 26, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Maya
I love Natalya's letter! And the carrots! Your tree is stunning. Funny about the vacuums - I could actually use one!! I'm glad you had a good Christmas!
December 26, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Christina
Love the photos. We are certainly all blessed aren't we? Boxing Day is a UK holiday I think. I have heard the one about boxing things up for the needy but another version was that the Churches gave the contents of their collection boxes to the poor on the day after Christmas. Santa letters are definitely THE BEST!!!! Go Natalya, send a few more!!!
December 26, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Arizaphale
So cute....I agree we are very fortunate and the note it precious. You have some fun to look forward to.....
December 27, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Dawn
Hey Merry Christmas from your home town! I love the "wrapping it up" photos. We visited the Alamo today and are heading to River Walk this evening, should be fun.
I won't have any picture of this venture here, as my camera, ID and purse are locked in my car in long-term parking at the LA airport.
That's another story! Can't wait to go back to the airport for more intensive security checks on Saturday!!
December 27, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Golightly
The Christmas tree photo is absolutely gorgeous!!!!
December 27, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Colleen
Love the photos! Your tree is just beautiful and the girls look like they received quite the haul for Christmas. I saw that barn at Costco at one point and was thinking hard on getting it.

LOL about the vacuums, that is pretty funny! :)
December 28, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Stacy
Loved you're wrapping it up photos, Now we have to take all the crap down!! I miss you, can't wait to get back to normal, whatever that is, I'm so glad you had a great xmas, just think, I promise you're next one will be even brighter in your NEW house!! Can't wait for you guys...
December 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Mamazboyz

I found your blog on blogger (I find most blogs by googling pictures - found a lot of interesting blogs that way). I thought maybe you had given up on your blog since it only went up to January of 2008 and thought what a shame because it was the most beautifulest blog I've ever seen (I've never thought of a blog to be beautiful but yours is) and it looked like you had done a lot of hard work on it. Then I noticed (would have seen that first if I had paid enough attention) that you had moved to a new site. So I will comment on up to what is on blogger (I'll check out the rest later) and this picture is where I had to leave my comment. This is such a gorgeous tree. And the idea of putting presents under on Christmas Eve is really great. We were going to do that last year but couldn't resist early.
Your daughters are beautiful and Disney World looked like fun. I've been there twice (in high school) and hope to take both of my kids when they are a little bit older. And Epcot is almost horrible except for a few good things there like the light show at the end of the night.
I wish I could have done cloth diapers like you but Eric and my mom talked me out of it. We go through so much trash with diapers alone! If I ever have another, I'm going with cloth.

June 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

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