I had to say, before the day ends, Happy Birthday to my HipHub!
Cue the birthday song. He's celebrating the big 21 again. I love you, honey. Now I'm off to wrap presents. I haven't wrapped a single one. I knew that the anticipation would be to hard for V so no gifts went under the tree. I guess I could have still wrapped them as I got them so that I wouldn't have to do them all in one night. Darn that fiend Procrastination.
Labels: HipHub
Reader Comments (5)
As for present wrapping....I don't wrap for the BA SAnta just comes and leaves everything arranged over a chair and in a stocking. Got the tradition from my Mum who was not going to wrap for three of us :-)
Didn't stop me from being up at 2am still stuffing things into stockings though!!!!!!
Have a wonderful merry and blessed Christmas -all the Hip family.
I wrapped everything, and my kids are good about not getting into things. I just tell them that the majority of the presents are for the family, so they don't really know which ones are for them. :)
I wrapped a couple presents every day for the last week or so..it wasn't too overwhelming that way.