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Entries from October 1, 2008 - October 31, 2008


I'll Melt With You

It's so strange how come Monday I have a hard time remembering what we did over the weekend.  Sometimes I have to think about it pretty hard.  Oh, it's coming back to me.  Friday night, we went to the club for smores!  They offer it to the kiddos a couple of times a year and it's a hit every time.

Natalya with one of her BFFs from school.  The sun was setting so everything was glowing orange.

Our cutie pie friend Barrett.  I think his eyes say it all.

Another cutie pie friend Trevor.  He doesn't have a smore in his his mouth but I'm guessing he had a few.

And then the V.  Vienne started with the full smore.  The next one came apart and she at it in pieces.  Then she quickly realized that what she really wanted was the chocolate.  So she ditched the smores and just ate chocolate from the bowl.  None of these are really great shots but this will be My Best Shot.

Saturday was a very full day.  We spent the majority of the day at Natalya's school for their annual fun run/country fair.  Food, bouncey houses, games, snow cones.  Can't ask for more than that.  The school also had a silent auction with items that were donated.  I didn't realize that I was bidding on so many items until we were lugging home 5 baskets that we apparently has won.  That evening the girls got to have smores again as the neighbors across the street invited us over for saugages and smores by the fire.  They played into the darkness and listened to the fire pit crackle.  I could only see shadows of the kids playing kickball.  It reminded me of when I was little, playing kickball and man hunt in the dark.

Sunday, we rested.

Natalya and I had a talk last night about friends.  She realizes how lucky she is to have so many friends around to spend time with.  It is nice knowing that the girls are growing up with so much love and friendship around them.

I have so many sessions to post.  Someone kick me in the butt.


Gone Fishin'

Natalya has been waiting until the weather cooled down so that she could go fishing with Daddy.  Usually Vienne is not interested but today she really wanted to go to.  Not really to fish but probably mostly so she wouldn't be left out.  She really didn't do much fishing.  We explored, splashed in the water, found treasures and had a nice time in the cool Sunday air.  Natalya really enjoys it.  Hmm, it's such a metaphor for their personalities these days. 

She had hoped that it would be as easy as holding the net to let a fish jump in.  She learned quickly that that was not going to happen.

Natalya caught a fish...

Vienne caught a fuzzy creepy crawly, a frog, and almost caught a dragon fly.

This will be My Best Shot for today.  On occasion she'll let us us help a little but most of the time she's Miss Independent.  

My Photo Contest is running through Friday so you have time to get something in.  Details here.  Happy Monday to ya!



Contest Update

I've decided to extend the contest until Friday, Oct. 17 at midnight.  We took the girls to the pumpkin patches early and got an early start on the season.  Mainly so that they wouldn't bother us every day about when we could go.  But, you may just be getting into the spirit.  So, I'm giving you more time.  Alissa and I look forward to seeing your photos.  Send them to RockinAPhoto at gmail dot com.  And click here for the rules if you need them again.


In Her Shoes

These shoes are hand me downs from Natalya.  Vienne loves everything that Natalya has, everything that Natalya has had.  If Natalya has worn it before or has one that is identical (sometimes they'll still let me dress them alike) Vienne loves it more.  I love that about her.  It's just one more way for them to be close to each other.  Best Shot Monday.

In case you missed it, I'm hosting a Photo Contest.  Click here for details.  The wonderfully talented Alissa is helping me judge.  We can't wait to see what you come up with. 


Photo Contest- For You!

Probably the first of many pumpkin patch pictures.  We stopped at our first yesterday.  We have to pass by it as we go to school.  It had only been open for a short time but the girls have been begging me to go.  Something didn't seem right that I was sweating while there though.  We should be heading to our real pumpkin patch for our annual visit this weekend. 

In honor of the season, which I love, I am going to hold a photo contest!  Now, I am in no position to say weather one picture is better than another so I am recruiting help from someone.  Don't know who yet but he/she will be competent.  The theme for the contest is Fall.  No, you didn't guess that?  The winner will receive bragging rights and a $15 iTunes gift card.  The rules are as follows:

  • One entry per person. 
  • Creativity is a must but Photoshop skills are not.  You can be completely creative without every touching, manipulating, editing a photo.  You can 'shop it up it you'd like but that won't be a deciding factor.
  • Contest deadline is Monday, Oct. 13, 2008.  Winner will be announced Friday, Oct. 17, 2008.  Me and one other person will judge.
  • Email your medium sized entry to RockinAPhoto at gmail dot com.  Please don't send huge files sizes.  
  • If you'd like to post the picture you are entering on your blog or elsewhere, you can comment here so that others can go see it.

This is as formal as it gets so if I have forgotten something, let us know.  Now, get shootin'.