Oh Christmas Tree

We put our tree up last Monday and then decorated it on Wednesday. It turns out that we only have two boxes of ornaments here with us while the rest of the decorations sit in storage. I guess we figured that we could do without most of it for one year but the girls are remembering some stuff that we just didn't bring. They made the tree look beautiful. Even though there is a very heavy spot of ornaments in the front at the bottom. I love it so much I won't change it. It has their finger prints all over it.

(Do any of you smarties out there know how to make the pictures larger in Blogger? I mean larger than the "large" picture option they have.)
Labels: Cherishing Life
Reader Comments (8)
Can't help you with blogger as I have only used WordPress.
Once you upload the photos into your post box (on the "compose" tab... not "edit html") left click on the photo and then you can use the little square boxes (don't know what they're called) on the picture corners to make it bigger.
I always bring my photos in from Flickr, using the "medium" size.
I used to let the BA decorate the tree and then even it out myself later...I 'm with you Stacy.....I too tend to OCD :-D