Team Up Thursday

This week our Team Up Thursday theme was "morning". Me on the top and Megan on the bottom. I had visions of photographing something like a sunrise or my morning cup o joe. But then I saw her face. V has been sleeping in the playroom on the pull out couch for weeks. Not sure why because the bed is not very comfortable. It also gets a little bright in there in the morning. But whatever. School starts in 11 days and we've been having the "gotta get on a better sleep schedule before school starts" conversation. Mostly with Vienne because Natalya wakes to her alarm clock on her own every day. V, well, she's like a slug. And, cranky. She is definitely not a morning person. Did I mention cranky? Man, a cranky slug in the morning.
Reader Comments (12)
That shot of your daughter is just stunning. So sweet when they are sleeping :) Megan's shot of the hawk is wonderful as well. So still, just watching. Interesting. Great week!
love both these pictures:)
Great theme and great pictures...that sleeping angel photo is precious..
Oh...but before she wakes she is peaceful and gorgeous! We are having the same talks over here, since the girls have been waking up at about the time they need to be walking to school (both of them! Yikes!) in two weeks. And I have a bit of cranky slugging going on here too - although it is not my morning style!
Oh, my. What a sweet photo. They do look sweet and innocent when they are sleeping.
Isn't it funny how two kids from the same family can be so different like that? My oldest wakes every day just before 7 all on his own, but his sister I have to drag out of bed. She's starting preschool this year, and it begins at 8am, so she's in for a rude awakening! The only plus side is that you can catch fantastic shots of them sleeping. :)
Here is Y!
Kristina and I forgot today was Thursday:) I love this dip. Beautiful, peaceful and I wish I was sleeping now:)
Aww, she looks so precious, sleeping there with the golden light on her cheek. Both pictures are so relaxing....
Lee and I are playing Catch up this week two dips for the price of one - the link is in the url for my name.
These too are so different and cool for that reason! Good luck with that cranky slug thing :-) I guess you gotta pay for that incredibly sweet face at some point!
I love the stillness of both the photos. I have one whose internal alarm clock wakes him at 5:30 am and one "cranky" I have to get up every day.
Love your pix! BUT I wish you'd post more regularly!!
She might be a cranky slug, but wow, what a BEAUTIFUL cranky slug. :)