
I think I've used that title several times before. But this really is a random post. Nothing in particular.
I've been in a two week headache. For those of you who also suffer (really, the word is suffer) from headaches, you know that one headache is not fun but two weeks worth is just downright tiring. I know I need to see a doctor, but I've had the tests and they'll say the same thing, "We don't know what's going on." So, I'll get through this round, have a week or so of relief and will get it back. I did take Excedrin Migrane today for the first time and for the first time in two weeks I do NOT have a headache. Don't know how long it will last but I've been task driven ever since 'cause I may be in bed early again tonight with another headache. It's hard to drive with a headache especially as a migraine comes on, the only thing that relieves them for me is sleep and pills, and the computer probably doesn't help them. I blame my mom (sorry Mom) because I inherited it from her. She has had them for as long as I can remember. I am determined though to get through my days mostly without complaining. I do not want my girls to associate me with headaches. Don't feel sorry for me! I'm just venting. If you get headaches and something has worked for you, share!
I started taking a tennis lesson a couple of weeks ago. I am having a blast! I love it. It's only once a week but I wish it were more. I even rescheduled my hair appointment that I made over two months ago because that's how far in advance I have to make them. Didn't want to miss the lesson.
On the subject of hair. I have to find a new place. I was with the same gal for over 8 years. Even though the drive was a little far, I'd go to her because she did a great job and I really liked her. But she moved to another location and now she is just way to far for me to go. 8 years is a long time but she really was that good.
It's thundering outside right now and I can't remember the last time it's done that. The sky is gray but the rain is light. I really want to go pick the girls up from school right now so that I don't have to drive in the rain. I really don't like driving in the rain. Hopefully it will pass before pick up time. OK, it just got darker. Eek.
I just got the notice that kinder registration happens in a few weeks. I got a little sad that my baby is leaving me. But she says almost every day, "I'll never stop snugglewing wiff you."
OK. Still no headache so I'm off check off a few more things on my to-do. Cheerio!
Reader Comments (20)
I know exactly how you feel! We finally figured out my migraines were hormonal when we started trying to get pregnant. There are about 5-6 days between my period ending and getting ready to ovulate that I don't usually have a headache! I do find that being on birth control pills helps a little. Actually, the fertility clinic put me on a different brand for two cycles before IVF and I had NO headaches. It was wonderful! My OBGYN/Good friend also has me trying a combination of my regular BC pills along with 600 mg caltrite and 500 mg magnesium twice a day. I don't know it it's making a difference yet, or why it would help. I didn't ask. I don't care...I'll try almost anything. You understand! I know I can't lose weight because most days I drink and Coke and eat excedrin, that helps a little, too.
Can't wait to see what others add.
yea-- those migraines are a BIATCH. Even after prescription stuff, excedrine migraine and a coco cola was the only thing that has ever really worked. I have always wanted to try acupuncture for them, but luckily they have stayed away lately. Suzanne (Holland 5) and I love our hair dresser if you are on the hunt. she is fab. Hope you are feeling better!
I feel your pain...mine always revolve around Aunt Flo's visit. Get these little headache sachets at Bath Junkie...they work awesome.
Let me know if you want the name of my girl....she is just N of 1604.
I feel for you. In Jan 2007 I got my first migraine that lasted for 2 1/2 months. It didn't really stop so much as I started to take preventative medication which lessoned the symptoms. After 2+ years of dinking around with medication levels, I'm almost a normal human being, but I still cannot get up earlier than 9am. I kid you not. My first neurologist really pushed that I needed sleep more and when I sleep in to 9 I am much better off and can recover faster when I overdo it. Not curred but noticeably better. I hope you find what works for you!
Oh Mel! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope that it has not returned and you have a great weekend!
Bummer...hope you feel better soon!
I need to find a new hair place too....my lady has been cutting my hair since I was in my teens but now with the drive and her availablilty (only 2 days a week) I can't seem to get in to see her. Oh, the drama :)
Happy Friday (almost!)
How great that you are doing something for yourself by taking tennis lessons. I love it when I have something I look forward to doing and its just for me! We had a thunder storm here a few nights ago and I loved it. I think knowing that I dont have to go anywhere and I am tucked all snug in bed...I love to sleep to thunder. Kindergarten! I know.....I just signed Ella up for preschool. I cant believe the time goes so fast.
Sorry to hear that Mel! I have just started to get headaches more, but I attribute that to the wine...and lack of sleep. ;) Hope you find something to cure them, because they really suck the energy out of you. I understand why you don't have your craftroom arranged when you have to deal with that.
I can't beleive Kai is starting Kindergarten this Fall either...and then Anya next Fall. They are growing up way too fast!
Sorry to hear about the headaches. Have you tried BC powder? It works for me sometimes, but can taste bad. Motrin also make a headache medicine that has allergy in the title that I think helps. Have you thought that they may be allergy related? I have noticed drastic improvement in my headaches since I started on allergy shots. I think you tennis lessons sound like fun. Hope you feel better soon. How about next time you try the Excedrin a little sooner ;)
Oh Mel, I'm so sorry about the headaches! I've suffered with them all my life, and despite visting numerous specalists, no one could ever tell me why or find anything to help. I literally had a constant 24/7, 7 days a week headache for years. Then I got pregnant, and that miraculously cured them! They're starting to come back in the last few months, but not nearly so bad. I hope you're able to find something that helps!
EXCEDRIN is the BOMB!!! and the little jolt of caffeine you get with it is very nice too! the second i feel one coming on i take it, and 9 out of 10 times it usually is gone pretty darn quick!!
hope you're still feelin' good, two days later:)
my migraines are minor compared to yours, but yes, excedrine migraine is a wonderful thing. i take it as soon as my aura hits, and i don't get the pain or nausea...just tired and feeling a bit off for while. hope you are feeling 100% as i write this.
owen starts kindergarten this fall, too...yikes!
sorry to hear about your headache ... my gf has really bad migraines..i took her to see a chinese herbal doctor but unfortunately, the taste of the tea drink was so bitter, she couldn't continue that treatment. something like that takes mths... she used to get them so bad, that she'd go into work and then end up at the ER...she had to pay a lot of money for these strong prescripted meds that costs her lots of money..it was a nightmare. how about getting massages? acupuncture??
oops, i think i just repeated myself with the money thing :-D
hope you're feeling ok!
Hi Melody, I just love your blog! and your photos. I am having trouble with uploading my photos into flickr and then into my blog. How do you organize your photos to be easily upload to and from your blog, or do you just do it via typepad? I recently lost all of my pictures from Flickr and need to ask for help from someones blog that seems organized and put together. Thanks Suzi
I so can relate! Tx is the worst on effecting our allergies! For some reason I have been lucky this year and not suffering as much as my husband has. Im usually the one miserable! Tennis I love! I use to play a lot and havent at all since my 3rd child was born. It is addicting. If you lived closer I would certain would play with you. I miss it! Great exercise! Happy Monday Melody!
Oh, so sorry! I get bad headaches too. Days worth, I think it's hormonal. Excedrin, that's what does it for me. I never tried it until I met Ken, what was I missing all those years before marriage!! But there are some days when even the Excedrin doesn't work. I need a new stylist too. Badly. Like grown out for four months badly. My stylist decided to become a retail manager at Abercrombie & Fitch. Gah!! My long-time hair stylist (like over 10 years) moved to Arizona 3 years ago.
And it's supposed to rain here tomorrow night. sigh.
I don't know you, but follow your blog...can't remember exactly how I happened upon it one day. I enjoy your creativity, and get great ideas.
Anyway....I used to get TERRIBLE migranes. Couldn't look at light, throwing up at times, throbbing, horrible headaches. I would also get the long term annoying headaches that lasted for days and just interfered with life. Here is what helped me.
1. I went to a specialist, and the migranes were caused by an allergy to artifican sweeteners like Equal and the sweeteners in diet soda etc. The MD told me to NEVER drink diet soda (especially diet coke), or anything with aspertame (sp?) and the like. I have been migrane free for over 10 years!!!!!!! Not sure if you drink diet drinks, use sweeteners etc., but it's a common cause of horrible headaches, and can especially be bad if you also drink wine or eat food with sulfites near and around the same time. Many MD's aren't aware of this, and thus thousands of people suffer with these types of headaches regularly.
2. The dull annoying headaches ended up being that my axis bone in the very top of my neck was out of place. Not from an accident or anything, just a bad pillow, tension and using my neck and head in odd ways (computer work etc). I went to the chiropractor 2 x's a month just for that, bought a new pillow from the MD, and voila...no more headaches. You can also go to the chiro for a therapeutic massage, and tell the girl you get headaches. She'll work on your axis bone area, and you will notice a difference immediately in the weightlessness of your shoulders and head.
Just wanted to share b/c I've never had to pop a pill (except an Advil or two when I get an actual, normal headache from stress) or anything since these two things.
Best of luck...headaches are so debilitating, and awful. Hope this helps.
Well, that last comment covered everything I was going to suggest :-)
Do you find the activity of tennis makes the headaches better or worse? Or does it just take your mind of it? Good for you anyway. I've got to get some exercise soon. I have been recovering from a nasty cold/flu thing and am just feeling ready to get back to the gym...