
I haven't had a green post in awhile so Stacy's Theme this Thursday fit perfectly with something I think about everyday. Idling our cars. We all do it at some point and aren't even aware of it most of the time. Yes, drive thrus and stop lights are unavoidable. But we can limit the amount to time we sit idle most other times. Did you know:
- Tailpipe exhaust from both gasoline and diesel burning vehicles contains the pollutants that produce ozone
when combined with sunlight and heat. Ozone occurs mostly during the
summer months. A warming planet means more hot days, and thus more
ozone. Hence, global warming.
- Repeated exposure to ozone can reduce lung function and, reports show, can make asthma worse. My little V has breathing problems and I'd hate to think that I was the reason.
- Today’s engines don’t need a warm-up period. Idling at start up does not heat up the engine quicker. And If you’re idling for more than 10 seconds, it uses more gasoline to idle than to restart. It wastes fuel and money.
- In places where there are many idlers (like downtown areas, schools) it's worse because the pollutants are more concentrated and we are closer to the source. Children's lungs are very susceptible to pollutants because they are still developing.
So, the recommendation is to turn off your car if you will be idle for more than 10 seconds. Really, how inconvienced will you be?
Reader Comments (12)
This is something to defiantly ponder today. Thanks for the tips.
Great tips, Melody! I do idle a little in the wintertime, because when it is 0 degrees outside the engine doth protest. I would think it needs a little warming up then, but in the spring/summertime/fall I start and go.
my husband is dying for a hybrid -- no idling there :).
Great post and picture. Yep, idling your car is not a good thing at all. I'm waiting for a full sized pickup to come out as a hybrid. Hauling a horse trailer being a priority around our house. ;)
Great tip!! Just perfect for this week's theme.
Definite food for thought. We get in cars everyday and never realize just how bad they can be not only for the environment but ourselves as well.
Thanks for the wonderful reminder! I will turn it off more often! I didn't know about the 10 second thing....good to know and I'll be sure to share the info with my friends!
Great reminder! Thanks, Mel...
The only time I let my vehicle idle is in the winter months...not so much so that the engine can warm up, rather that I can be warm when I get in. I'll go out about 10 minutes early in the mornings and start the truck and turn the heat on so that I don't freeze my tushie off when I leave for work! Otherwise, I always, always turn the engine off in driveways and pick-up lines, and sometimes even in a long drive-thru line.
we roll up... shoot the windows down... and shut her down...
while waiting in the school car line!
great tip!
I know that here in the city I sit idling more than I want to. Then again, there are a lot of cars here in my way! Food for thought, though, food for thought.
Wow. I'd never thought of this before.