Eyes, and a Tongue, and a Backyard

We finally got some landscapers out here to get the girls' playground done. I really wish it could have been done at the beginning of Summer because they love it! Before it was hard to get them out here to play. Now they don't want to go inside. And I finally feel like the backyard is home.
Natalya's eyes. And tongue. This is what she does to sabotage my pictures. Her way of saying, "If you point that thing at me, this is what you'll get."
The view of the sun setting from the playground. Yep, home.
Reader Comments (16)
I would never ever want to come inside either...that is gorgeous!
Wow, that looks great!! We have the same thing going on here - we've been building a backyard playground. By "we" I mean my husband and our landscaper friends, ha! And I agree, wish it could've been done earlier, but at least it's warm here year-round, ya know?
It looks like you have an absolutely stunning yard and now playground too. :) We don't even have cool playground equipment and I still can't get my 3 year old to come inside without a fight. The outside world just calls to him.
I like the eyes and the tongue shot. Definitely got some spunk in that one. And some pretty eyes peering back at you.
You have a beautiful yard. That playground looks like so much fun. I love the last flare shot too.
Beautiful backyard! Well, they will get lots of use in it when it cools down some this fall. I love her face, too. That would be the "no more pictures, Mom!" face. ;)
Just a beautiful in person!!! That would be your girls and your home...very cozy.
Wow -- what a great playground to have at your very own house -- what lucky girls they are!
Can I live in your back yard? It's gorgeous. Harrison would never come inside either if he had that. Why need to? I so relate to the tongue picture - I'm getting a lot of that lately.
Oh, they are soo lucky! I'd love a backyard like that... for myself! :)
Hey! The grass looks so could be living in IL with all that greenery! Can't wait to see it in Nov. Hopefully you'll be there because we'll be playing in your backyard anyway!
What an awesome play area! Can we come over?
Gorgeous home! I get those goofy looks a lot too! They're so silly sometimes!
That is awesome!! I'm so jealous! We have so much work to do on our backyard to make it kid friendly! We are hoping to get something similar set up soon! That picture of the sun flare by your house is awesome!
I want to come over and play there! Wow! Love what you guys did!
Oh my, that last shot. Oh my oh my oh my.....
From the moment I saw the first raw pix i knew that house was something special...but look at it now.....
yet another reason... as i am throw myself on the floor in a tantrum... i want to live at your house!