
Has anyone else realized that there is just one more month left of school? Where has the time gone? What are we going to do this summer? I really wish Natalya was up for the idea of some kind of day camp. There are so many great ones around. Anyway, I'll have to work on that because the thought of having them home all summer...eek. Now I know how my mom felt.
We had a very fun weekend as always. On Friday night, we went to our local library because they had an Indian dance presentation. I thought the girls could use some culture and Vienne loves dancing. V was immediately smitten because the girls were SO fancy and sparkly. She also loved that they were bare foot. She stood on a chair and danced with the girls. I couldn't help but smile behind her.
You can see the fancy girls in the background.
On Saturday, the HipChicks Christened the pool with the first swim. It was about 80 degrees outside and about 78 degrees in the water. No way was I going in. The water needs to get about 10 degrees warmer.
Daddy is always such a sport. He braves the cold water. It was his idea anyway. He didn't have a choice. Yesterday we went to Fiesta Texas (Six Flags) for the first time this season. It was cool and windy but we made our rounds and the girls had fun.
And here is a picture of the cutiepie I took pictures of last week.
I don't think she could ever do wrong with a face like this. I may post more after Mom sees them all. This will be My Best Shot because it's the prettiest. Have a Happy Monday!
Reader Comments (25)
wow - we had snow in our forecast (didn't actually get any by us but others did) and you were testing out your pool! that is so wild. i love the pool shot - did they ever go farther in than that?
Your pool looks FANTASTIC!!!! So new and clean (unlike ours :-(...).
I'm with you, I don't venture in til it heats riiiiiight up! We have solar heating on the roof but if we forget to run the filter in the daytime it makes no difference. You think we could figure out how to set the timer eh? :-D
Your dancer is so beautiful and as for the cutie with the pudgy cheeks.....aaaaaaaaaw. Love what you've done with the colour in this one.
Glad you made it to the Indian thing at the library. If Vienne wants to watch more dancers in sparkly outfits...come on over. Priya and I will oblige! : )
We've probably even got a aparkly outfit in Vienne's size!
Oh my goodness, gorgeous BSM. Your library trip sounds fun, I would love to take my girls to see something like that...
Oh, I love the one of V. on the chair! So cute. Your pool looks amazing! Are you guys all settled in and unpacked then? :-)
And your BSM? O.M.G. - she is stunning as is the photo. I hope we get to see more. Wow.
Excellent choice for best shot! Have a wonderful week! :)
you must be trying to make us all jealous with that 80 degree comment :). love your bsm -- her eyes are fabulous and the colors just pop!
I love your reminder here... only a month left, before the kids are home free. My favorite is the portrait you have of your queen. She's adorable.
so pretty!! how do you get those "frames" around them?
Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Love those little baby cheeks!
Oh, plese post more, what a sweet little lovely!
And look at those hip chicks in that gorgeous pool, what a great summer you will have (even if they don't go to camp...:)
how fun! everything looks so good since i was there! :)
and beautiful shot too!
i want to be one of your kids! :) yall have so much fun!
cutiepie... she is precious! om my! melt your heart goodness! seriously great shot!
summer... i know... it's on our heals! YIKES!!!!!
Gorgeous photos especially that last one! What a cutie!!!
All great shots, but the eyes in that last one are just beautiful!
Those are all great shots!
Great best shot - lovely! I remember our family's many jaunts to Fiesta Texas; those hot summer days. Your weather sounds great!
What a fun-packed weekend! That last photo is absolutely gorgeous. The colors are so vibrant, and I love the horizontal lines of whatever the background is.
wow - that's an amazing best shot! i can see why you chose it. gorgeous!!
What..are you kidding..the pool?? That had to be Greg's idea hugh?? Love the baby girl shot!!
Beautiful shot!!! I'm with you, the water has to be SO much warmer for me to jump in.
The eyes... those cheeks!! Cutie pie is precious. That pool looks way to cold for me. :)
The eyes... those cheeks!! Cutie pie is precious. That pool looks way to cold for me. :)
How fun does that dance look like?! The face on the last photo is killer...oh how their faces make us melt!
Great shots and another full weekend. That last shot is just wonderful...I'm sure the mom loved them. :)