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Life's Little Adventures

So the other day I had this bright idea to stop by this little church that I love and finally take a picture of it.  It's down the street from our little local bakery so I see it all the time (yes, that means I'm at the bakery all the time.)  It was sort of hazy and still early.  I was thinking about how the sun was burning through and how it will eventually be a lovely day.  So I park my car at the curb, not nicely because I was just going to snap a few shots and go (friends were meeting me soon.)  I turn the car off and think, "I don't want to hold my keys so I'll leave them here on the seat.  No, maybe better to drop them on the floor.  Safer there."  Do you see where this is going?  I drop the keys, get out of the car, and walk for about 5 seconds and hear a beep from the car.  Insert sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach here.  My car doors locked.  It all worked out in the end after about 45 minutes and a lock smith who was probably as old as the little town we live in.  I was hoping that I was not going to have to resuscitate him and open the car by myself.  Anyway, our On Star is now activated, all is good.  It's a new car and now I have to figure out why it happened.  And now the shots that started the whole thing.



That is what I wanted.  This is My Best Shot for today.  And this is what I got while I was waiting for the lock smith... 

Head over to Mother May I for more adventures.  Just take your keys with you.

Reader Comments (27)

Well to get lovely shots like that it was obviously worth the 'lock in'. The Lord moves in mysterious ways :-D

April 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

those pix are stunning. bummer it was an ordeal but at least you had your camera with you....not locked in the car! : )

April 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertracey

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