Our House

The house is still movin' along. We are actually finishing up and hope to be in in a few weeks. They just finished up the hard wood flooring and what a difference that makes. I dread moving. Dread. Loath it. This will be the 8th time (!) that Greg and I have moved since getting married. We'll be married 11 years this may. Eight times is a lot. And it's not because we like moving. I hope we stay in this house for a long time. Just for the sake of not moving. Have I mentioned how much I don't like moving? And the packing and unpacking. I'm so tired already.

From the great room looking into the kitchen. No appliances yet.
This is the chandelier that hangs from the great room. It's just gorgeous. This will be My Best Shot for today. Visit Tracey's to see what's goin' on.
(Oh, and for some reason Pink Ink did not post the poll on Friday so it's up now until midnight tonight if you still want to pat a gal on the back.)
Reader Comments (25)
I love the shot of the chandelier. Beautiful!
Oh wow...8 times is a whole lot in 11 years. I hate moving, too, so I completely understand how much you are not looking forward to it. It looks like it will be a beautiful house, though. I love that chandelier...gorgeous!
What a cool chandelier! I hope you get to stay in the house for a long time so there's no moving for awhile!
wow -- lovely lighting with that chandelier. i've moved more times than i can count, so i feel your pain :).
It is so beautiful. I am jealous of those floors :-)
okay, so i sneaked a peak in the first picture and the kitchen island looks great! The lights in there are great too! This will be your last move in a while, I just know it. Sorry I missed GNO -maybe this summer I will be able to catch up with you girls.
That is the prettiest chandelier EVER! And how exciting to be moving into a new house that you may be in for a long time. We're still living the condo life, and I too dread the process of moving. I'm sure you'll love the new home. It's looking great!
beautiful home... i bet you'll have some fun moving into such beauty! that chandelier is yummy!
okay... you've topped my moving escapades! wow!
once back in Houston we hope to stay put too!
i just had to add up how many moves j. and i have had...we've only beat you by 3, we have moved 11 times - but been married almost 15 years. so yeah, i feel your pain. but moving into THAT gorgeous house and knowing that that is it for awhile, i think should make it a whole lot easier!!
it is looking great!! and the chandelier is to DIE for!! so beautiful!
Can I move in with you? Your house is GORGEOUS!!!
This will be it!!! You'll love it here... and this move.. it's worth it!
Gorgeous! I'm tired just thinking about all of your moving...yikes! Hopefully it goes smoothly and quickly!
Very cool! And the kitchen looks awesome, too!
I had to count our moves too when I read that you all have moved 8 times in 11 years. We will have our 11th anniversary in December and in that time we have moved 8 times as well ! The first move being from Colorado to Australia about a month after we got married !!!
That is one beautiful kitchen though ... I'd move just for that !
Just stumbled across your blog and it's great. I LOVE your kitchen!
Oh my gosh! It's simply Gorgeous!! I hate moving to but, wow, look what you're moving into!
How, funny I started this comment this morning with only 4 comments ahead of me. I'm finishing now after returning from the office. I wonder how many have commented since then. Let's find out...
uf, that's a lot of moving! but what a gorgeous place...
I love the chandelier!!!
Wow, that chandelier is STUNNING.And the house looks fabulous, too. You have my deepest sympathies on the moving. Let's see, in my 5 years of marriage, I have moved 4 times. After this upcoming move, it will be 5 times in 5 years! It's gonna have to take something mega major to get me to move again.I'd like at least 5 years of no moving. Anywho, good luck with everything. The house is lovely ;-)
what an amazing chandelier! We are selling our house. This will be our 3rd move in 6 years. Hoping not too many more for a while. Congrats on the new house!
BEAUTIFUL house! I hate the packing and unpacking of moving, but have enjoyed every place we have moved to.
Is that a *gasp* fireplace in your kitchen? I'd move just for that!
yes, 8 times in 11 years is a LOT of moving, but this house looks gorgeous!! i'm guessing you plan to settle here for a while? love the chandelier shot. beautiful!
You nearly got it over at Pink Ink...if only I'd clicked sooner eh??? All that moving. I feeeeeel your pain. I have moved more times than you can count on both hands and feet (well close anyway) but 11 times in 8 years must be something of a record :-). Never mind, once you get into that stunning house it will all be worth it. Did I mention how jealous I am of your floors????
I love seeing pics of your new house. I kinda feel like I get to live vicariously through you since we will not be getting a new house anytime soon.