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Feeling Crafty?

It seems that I haven't really been too crafty lately.  At our last two girl's craft days (a few of us mom's meet once a month) I arrived with an unimpressive tow.  So I was a little inspired when I read Stacy's post about a craft pay it forward idea.  Cool, but, darn, I just missed Stacy's deadline.  So I followed a link on her blog to the fab blog of Alissa.  Great photographer, really great.  Anyway, the idea is to create and pass it along.  It can be whatever you chose, big or small, fancy or plain, just handmade.  So, I commented at Alissa's blog saying that I would love some of her handmade goodness (her photos) and then I post here to announce that I have goodness to give.  Confused yet?  I need three takers. The first three (3) people to comment here will get something that I have hand crafted.  But don't forget that you too have to create and pass on.  Don't know what I'll create yet but I will get my creative juices flowing and let you know.  Ready, set, go. 

Reader Comments (9)

oh no, I am scared. yes, I will pay it forward. sign me up! Dawn

January 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdawn

I love homeade crafty things...........

January 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermendy a

I will pay it forward. I am already thinking with my crafty hat!

January 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermendy a

Darn, I missed it. Mind you..with school starting tomorrow my craftiness may have to be put on hold .....again. I DID do some scrapbooking last week though! It's an achievement.

January 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

OK, I need one more taker. Who will it be?

January 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelody A.

Hey--my official post was today (Tuesday!) :-) Hurry! But if you miss it...I'll still send you a photo. The confusion was on my part. E-mail me your mailing address, OK?

January 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlissa

I was so surprised that you didn't get to my site in time, Melody...you are usually one of the first ones there! I was bummed by that, since I'd love to repay you for the cute tutu you made for Anya. Don't worry, I know that eventually you will make it in on one of my contests...or I will just end up making you something anyways. :)

January 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

I love your site ... it is gorgeous.


January 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermommyknows

do you still need a taker, Mel? I'm in, if so. i have an interesting idea, i'm not sure if it will work or not - but i'd like to try!

January 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarrie

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