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Through all of the rain (geez, what's with the rain?!?) the house is still progressing. The air ducts are in and there is a roof. We met with the electrician and the cabinet maker yesterday. Electricity, not so fun, but essential. Cabinets, fun.

And thank goodness for the portable DVD player. Greg and I had to be at the house for about an hour and a half yesterday with the girls. They were little angels (with the help of Barbie and a Pegasus.)
And Natalya looking through the window of her future room.

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Reader Comments (3)

melody! that brooke shields photo of natalya is BREATH-TAKING! You are so good girl!
June 28, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter maile
I agree with Maile. LOVE that BW photo of Natalya. So beautiful.
June 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Jen
I can definitely relate to the portable dvd player! We just got moved out to our 10 acres and we've been taking advantage of our dvd player for about the last 6 months!!! Oh, I'm in Oklahoma and can completely understand about the RAIN!!! Will it ever end?????
June 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Shannon

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