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We All Scream for Ice Cream

We are currently renting in a quaint neighborhood not too far from where we are building. We find this neighborhood interesting in many ways since we came from a neighborhood that was secluded because the people lived on large acreages. Here, there are swarms of kids (which amazed the girls when we first moved here), there is almost as much drama as Wisteria Lane, we get to see the garbage truck (which Vienne loves), and we get an ice cream truck.
I have such fond memories of the ice cream truck. I remember being in the second grade and living in Arkansas. I remember me and my sister running on the hot-as-hell concrete in our bare feet to get to the truck before it drove off. It was the best treat ever.
For weeks, Natalya has been hearing the ice cream truck drive down our street and for weeks I've been saying, "OK, next time we'll try to catch it." So tonight we heard the familiar sound that every ice cream truck has. I resisted because we were already brushing teeth for bed. For some reason it always come at bedtime. But tonight, something made me get Natalya, grab my camera (of course), and pull $5 from my purse. We hurried out the door, in our bare feet, and found the truck around the corner. Natalya chose Bugs Bunny on a stick. It was so nostalgic that I came home and smiled.
This is My Best Shot Monday. Visit Picture This for more.

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Reader Comments (12)

GREAT capture! I love, love, love the saturation of the colors. You will treasure this one in the years to come for sure.
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Alissa
Decisions. Decisions. Been there!
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Kelly Bera
Wow...you brought back some memories! We loved the ice cream truck growing up.

That's a great picture.
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter natalie
Oh, that is just too sweet! Sometimes we need to forgo bedtime for some great memories. I love the color in your shot.
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Stacy
your daughter has the perfect pants for the moment; she looks as though she could be the ice cream treat!
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter megan
Really great shot. I also have found memories of hearing the ice cream truck and running like crazy to catch him before he drove off. And, yes, my brother and I were almost always running barefoot too!
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Colleen
So many choices, so little time...great shot!
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Chris
This is fantastic! Such a sweet memory that you will both cherish forever. Love the bold colors.
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter christinator
Bomb Pop was always my choice:)

Great colors, great memory.
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter allie
I second Megan -- perfect pants for ice-cream shopping!
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Karianna
So funny. Those happen to be her jammie pants. We were getting ready for bed.
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Melody A.
What a great mommy! The ice cream truck is a memory from my childhood. I love the colors in this photo and the story brings it to life.
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter melody

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