Like Mother Like Daughter

When I was little I was terrified of pulling my teeth out. When one got loose, I would let it hang there until it almost slid right off. My permanent teeth would grow under the loose teeth every time. I get the creeps just thinking about it. I can't blame the girls if they turn out to be the same way. Natalya's top front tooth has been loose for a long time. If she wanted to, she could probably pull it out today. But she won't. We'll see how long it hangs on.

Labels: Capturing life, My Best Shot Monday
Reader Comments (25)
My Dad had a thing for pulling out teeth...after the first time, I never let him know when I had a lose one. ;o)
Can't wait to see the completed costumes!!
Oooh, I can't wait to see the whole costumes! I bet it was a pain to sew...velvet sucks, too. Hmmm, I wonder if Hanna Anderson has any tights, if they have a store near you. They have fun tights there.
I too hated losing teeth. I still have dreams that they all fall out...I think it's my worst fear. :)
i have horrible memories of my mom yanking out one of my dangling teeth. ouch.
can't wait to see the costumes.
I just bought some striped tights at Target.
I can't wait to see the Halloween costumes - what a tease. ;)
Can't wait to see the costumes they look very fun. I got some stripped tights for my girl at Wal Mart - but she is only 2 so may not have the same sizes and patterns, also The Children's Place.
And everytime I see one of your creations I want to learn how to sew! Gotta find the time!
Lucky for me, I can't remember losing any of my teeth anymore!!