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Entries from February 1, 2011 - February 28, 2011


I Love...

...Girl Scout cookies!

My hips are very grateful that all of those cookies are not mine.  The Hubs said that I was going overboard on the bundling.  But he'll appreciate it once he realizes how many of these bundles go to work with him.  Grouped together by order, tagged with a name and total.

This is the first year that the girls have been in Girl Scouts so it's our first year to sell cookies.  

My favorite will always be Samoas.  But my new love is the Thank You Berry Munch.  I am disappointed to hear that they will be discontinuing it though.  Our biggest sellers were Thin Mints and Samoas so I guess the cranberry newbie just had tough competition.  Girls Scouts all over the country are peddling cookies so buy a box and support our troops.  :)


I Love...

... Snow in S.Texas.

We got our first "Snow Day" from school today.  Even though the snow was light, there was a nice layer of ice under it.  Texans don't know how to drive in ice, so everything shuts down.

Vienne got her fill pretty quickly.  She chose to go in and sit by the fire with oatmeal and cocoa.

I ♥ snow.  I didn't see this 'til I was looking through the pictures.

When we made it to the backyard the sun was coming up so the light was so different.  It is now sunny out and about 36 degrees.  Tomorrow we get 60s back.  I love that we got some snow for the girls.  But I love more that it doesn't hang around too long.


Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose "behind" as our theme.  I am on the top and Megan is on the bottom.  When I first saw Megan's, I thought her Owen was jamming out while doing his homework.  Then I noticed the syrup.  He's not busted afterall.  My pic is from our Girl Scout camping trip.  We were on a nature hike.  This might have been the only time the sun poked out.  I think it only lasted a minute.  This pic reminds me that I need to patch that hole in Natalya's pocket.  Put that on my to do list.  

Next week will make one full year of Team Up Thursday.  Wow, time does fly.  We are celebrating with "celebrate" as our theme.  Thanks to everyone who has played along over the year.  


I Love...

...How much V loves Rockey.

And how much Rockey loves V.


I Love...

...February.  Most because it's Natalya's birthday month.  But also because it's a whole month of reminding us what and who is special to us.  Hearts and red and mushy and sweet and chocolate everywhere.  I am gonna miss the days when I stop seeing paper heart crafts around here.

My weekend camping trip was a success.  It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I am glad that it was only two nights though because the nights were hard.  Mostly the beds were hard.  But it was also cold.  We slept in cabins that apparently were the best out there meaning that they had four enclosed walls.  

All eight girls got to sleep in one cabin which they LOVED.  We're not sure what happened after the two adults said "goodnight" but apparently there were some scary stories and burping and flashlight tag.

It was horse camp so the girls got to groom and take the horses on a trail ride.  Natalya said it was all too easy.  I reminded her that most of the girls there had never even touched a horse before and I said she had better count her blessings.  

They got to learn about compasses, prepare and make their own meals including smores and ice cream, take nature hikes, and even earn a few badges.  

I mentioned that I wanted to do this because I really wanted to have the time with Natalya.  I don't get as much alone time with her as I would like.  The whole weekend was sorta hard in that I tried to give her space she needed (and frankly, wanted).  When I moved in close, I pulled back.  And I watched.  I really am proud at how confident and independent she is.  As hard as it is to watch her step away from me sometimes I do have to remember that that is all that I have wanted for her.  10 is gonna be a big year.

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